Recipe: Healthy Twist to 7 Layer Dip

Tomorrow is Taco Tuesday, our favorite day of the week.  That means its a perfect time to share our favorite recipe for a healthy twist on everyone’s favorite Mexican inspired dish,  7 layer dip. Continue reading “Recipe: Healthy Twist to 7 Layer Dip”

Grocery Store Must-Haves: Part 2

I love grocery shopping! I think it’s because it’s a kind of shopping you can do all the time and not feel like a shopaholic 😉 Grocery shopping is more financially responsible than eating out so you can buy as much as you want, right? Here are some more of my favorites.


1. Favorite Granola: Ocean Ranch Multi-Grain Granola (Lemon Blueberry)

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Traveler: Staying on your fitness program

I’m currently riding with my mom through Arizona (it’s 114 degrees y’all) as I write this lovely first post. I flew from Los Angeles two days ago to arrive in Nashville to then spend two days moving my mom to LA. ROAD
TRIP!  One of the biggest struggles of this trip wasn’t how fast we needed to get there instead it was ‘how am I going to stay on track fitness wise while on the road?’  I’ve been traveling quite a lot recently and I’m slowly figuring out how to make that possible. Here is what I’ve figured out so far: Continue reading “Traveler: Staying on your fitness program”