Vitamins and Supplements: Know what you’re taking and why! 

Vitamins and supplements are a great way to complete your healthy diet, but they can be super confusing and you definitely don’t want to take something that isn’t going to help you. We have created a guide to get you started. You will feel confident about the information you will need, to find they best way to supplement your personal diet and lifestyle!  Continue reading “Vitamins and Supplements: Know what you’re taking and why! “

Apartment Garden


I grew up in a farmhouse in New England with TONS of gardens. I absolutely love living in the city. I lived in New York City and now in LA and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. BUT I really miss having a yard. For Hanukah 2 years ago my dad sent me an “herbal menorah”.                                                       8 tiny pots and packs of seeds for different herbs. It was a brilliant idea and I absolutely loved having fresh herbs in my apartment to cook with! Ever since then, my garden has grown and it makes my apartment such a happy place 🙂

3 Great Reasons to Start Your Apartment Garden: Continue reading “Apartment Garden”

Spring Cleaning: Fridge Edition 

I’m not a neat freak but when I start cleaning an area of my apartment I tend to get carried away. One area that doesn’t get cleaned out frequently enough is the fridge.

Lately I have been trying to grocery shop and cook more at home in an attempt to save money for travel and be healthy and know exactly where my food comes from.  Continue reading “Spring Cleaning: Fridge Edition “

The Importance of Self-Advocacy


Lately I’ve been thinking about the importance of self advocation. I turned 26 and selected a new health care plan and was having a lot of issues with the care. I have also always had an issue with the food industry in the United States. The common thread with how to deal with these issues is that I learned I need to learn to advocate for myself. The food and health care industry are not designed to protect your best interest (unfortunately), so you have to!

Continue reading “The Importance of Self-Advocacy”

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m not a huge believer in Valentine’s Day. It is definitely a hallmark holiday made for spending money. However, it is a great  opportunity to reflect on all the people you love and how lucky you are!

My Valentine is going away for business today so we did a Valentines brunch instead of celebrating tonight and it was a huge hit. Tonight I get to have dinner with my best friend and her mom, so I’m feeling pretty darn lucky :). Continue reading “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

Fashion Friday: Fitness Fashion!

Today we decided to post some of our favorite workout attire! Looking cute while working out definitely isn’t everything, but it makes you feel more confident and perform better at whatever you are doing!

Continue reading “Fashion Friday: Fitness Fashion!”

 Grocery Store Guide 

With so many options for supermarkets it can be hard to decide where to do your food shopping. I’ve found that each of my favorite markets has pros and cons. I’ve broken it down so you know which shop to visit for your specific needs!

Whole Foods  Continue reading ” Grocery Store Guide “

The Power of Saying ‘NO!’

I am a people pleaser.  I know there are tons of people out there just like me.  We like to help everyone.  To fix them.  We want to be there all the time for them because thats what being a good friend is, right?  This one simple act of kindness can actually be doing you more damage than good.  Continue reading “The Power of Saying ‘NO!’”

The Mental Power of Yoga

I’ve never really been into yoga. I’m not really about the OM life (there’s nothing wrong with it its just not my thing). But, over the past 10 years people have continuous suggested I do yoga to lower my stress level and help with my anxiety. I finally took their advice and WOW.

Continue reading “The Mental Power of Yoga”

Wine is important for your diet

Red wine is good for you. Seriously! It’s something you should definitely consider adding to your diet daily.  The recommended dosage is one glass of wine a day for women and two glasses for men.  Doctors say this change in your diet can provide extreme health benefits.


Continue reading “Wine is important for your diet”