How Massages Can Change Your Life!

You’ve been treating massages as a luxury. You only schedule them when you are on a vacation or find yourself at a spa. I suggest you add MASSAGES to your regular beauty routine and you will find their benefits to be life saving.  Yes, massages can change your life.  And, I don’t just mean your physical health.  They have a great effect on your how you feel day to day.

Continue reading “How Massages Can Change Your Life!”

The Power of Saying ‘NO!’

I am a people pleaser.  I know there are tons of people out there just like me.  We like to help everyone.  To fix them.  We want to be there all the time for them because thats what being a good friend is, right?  This one simple act of kindness can actually be doing you more damage than good.  Continue reading “The Power of Saying ‘NO!’”

WCW: Andrea Flores 

Why we’re crushing on Andrea Flores:

I could tell within moments of meeting Andrea that she is smart, quick, driven and talented. All of these things have held true as I have gotten to know her well. Andrea is the type of person who can achieve anything she puts her mind to and she NEVER gives up. She uses this drive in her business as a Pilates Instructor, in her dance career and in her own training regimen. She balances everything and does it all with passion. I have never seen her just going through the motions. If she is there she is fully committed to being the best she can be which is what makes her so amazing at everything she does! On top of all of this she is drop dead gorgeous and true to herself and her body. She cares about what she puts into her body because she loves and respects it, not because she wants to be a certain size. She has a unique style and flare that make her stand out. What I respect most about her is her commitment and loyalty to the people in her life. She truly is one of the strongest women I know! Continue reading “WCW: Andrea Flores “

Fermentation Nation


What is Fermentation? 

Fermentation (also known as zymology or zymurgy) in food processing is the conversion of carbs to alcohols and carbon dioxide or organic acids using yeasts and/or bacteria under anaerobic conditions. Basically the natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch which creates lactic acid. This process preserves the food naturally, and creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and many different strains of probiotics.

Where does it come from?  Continue reading “Fermentation Nation”

The Mental Power of Yoga

I’ve never really been into yoga. I’m not really about the OM life (there’s nothing wrong with it its just not my thing). But, over the past 10 years people have continuous suggested I do yoga to lower my stress level and help with my anxiety. I finally took their advice and WOW.

Continue reading “The Mental Power of Yoga”

Stop saying “I’m Sorry”, starting say “Thank You”


I didn’t want to write this post.

I knew if I wrote this post and shared how I feel on this topic, I myself, would have to stop saying “I’m Sorry”.  Let me quickly clarify before we go any further. There are two types of  “I’m Sorry’s“.

1.  If you did something horrible and you are truly sorry for what you did.

2.  The sorry we use when we accidentally cut someone off in the middle of a sentence.

I have an issue with the 2nd “I’m Sorry”.  I say it all the time.  If I have a question I say it. Whenever I have to ask for help I say it.  I say it probably 100 times a day.  It needs to STOP.

Continue reading “Stop saying “I’m Sorry”, starting say “Thank You””